Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday Rookie Tip of the Week

When we have marching rehearsals - why do we do so much with "basics"?

Don't tell this to anyone.....but back in the day I HATED basics.  I am sure if you ask Matt or Guy or Todd or Danny they will admit the same thing - that doing basics is not the most fun thing in the world to do.  However, I am sure they will also tell you that during any basics block - they worked super hard and took everything they were doing very seriously.  I know I did in Regiment!  What we all realized early on is that the real purpose of basics is not just to teach you the marching style our organizations used - but to get so good at doing the basic marching techniques that they became second nature....a habit.  With a good basics program - the field show will be better and we will score better.  It simply all starts with basics and building good habits right away!

Some directors make the mistake of spending most of the day cleaning drill or working on music.  I believe that a large chunk of the day should be spent doing basics, which then carries over into drill cleaning.  Who wants to watch a drill that is being marched poorly by the members?  When I judge marching bands I am able to tell within a few seconds not only the marching style the group is going for - but also what kind of a basics program (or lack thereof) they use.  Brigade has long been known for very strong marching and playing technique and this plays into our hands.  It doesn't matter how big or small a group is when judges are looking for good, solid marching technique.  If you are ever wondering why Matt and the visual staff keep harping on the same stuff over and over - it is because when we start performing - we want to march and play better than anyone else out there.....and it all begins during the winter when we start guessed it: basics!!

I understand that basics can become a drag sometimes (believe me, I have been there!).  What I always did when basics started to become a real chore was to just max out my marching style and strive to do everything as perfect as I had ever done before.  The cool thing is that when a bunch of people start maxing out their individual marching performance - it spreads throughout the band and before you know it - I have more marching execution trophies to put up in my band room!

Rookies - take basics seriously and practice them at home.  You can always practice standing the correct way or holding your instrument up 10 degrees while you memorize your music.  You can find some space in a basement and practice moving forwards and backwards as well as those fun slides!  The best compliment you can receive is someone telling you that, "you walk funny" because they see you walking with your heel hitting the ground first and your toes pointed up to the sky!

Today's marching member "shout-out" goes out to: Les (quints)


Danny said...

I LOVED basics!!!! It was one of my favorite things to do because it gave me a chance to perfect my style and my will to push through. One of the hardest things you can do in a marching band rehearsal is marching basics. It is the only time where the whole group is blocked up, not spread out, and the staff members are looking for mistakes. It is also such a great thing to watch, especially on show days. Basics allow a group to become one family. You will rise and fall together in a basic blocks.

The second hardest thing was to jazz run holding a contra and playing at the same time. Man did that suck!

I will say that I believe if you put the hard work in now and push yourself now, the summer is be easier and more enjoyable. Make sure you are putting in the time now holding your instrument, memorizing the music, getting in the cardio work out now.

As I have said before, demand more of yourself so that you may reap the benefits later.

Warmest wishes,

(New visual dude)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Roo you might not remember but its michael sale(saxophone extrordanair but mainly tenor sax) from mitchell middle school band and junior lighthouse and one of your former personal students. I miss you guys( the band and you) a lot. hows it been. Band here is horrible. basicaly the problem is we dont have you as the director. well i guess that there is some other problems. But hey email me back at