Saturday, July 12, 2008

Traverse City Update

Greetings from the Horizon Bookstore in downtown Traverse City!!

I would first like to say congrats to the Shadow Armada (Oregon High School) on their 2008 MACBDA Championship! It was a well earned victory and they did everything all season with class and great sportsmanship. Great job!

The Brigade had a thrilling performance last night in Traverse City and the members left everything they had on the field of competition. I am just SOOOO proud of them and how our show improved night after night after night. The large crowd in Traverse City loved us and I hope everyone remembers what it felt like when I gave my last speech to the members. THIS is why we all do Brigade year after year - that very feeling.

We came in third place and, to be honest, I did not agree with most of the scores. I have been telling the members all season that I would be very honest with them and if I thought they should or should not be winning certain captions I would tell them exactly that. I feel like we should have been higher in a few of our captions and other ones I was ok with us scoring what we did. Oh, well - all of this is out of our hands. We can't control how the other bands perform or what 6 judges do as far as giving us a score. If we just focused on that stuff - we would all go crazy. We can only make the commitment to come back to Brigade next year and do everything possible to make this organization stronger and keep moving it forward.

The weather here has really been great. We were worried about rain all weekend - but it has been sunny and not too hot. The members marched in the Cherry Royale Parade today and have the rest of the night off in Traverse City to shop, relax, have dinner, visit the Cherry Festival grounds and stay for fireworks on the beach.

Tomorrow we will clean up our housing site, go to the Grand Traverse Mall to relax and perhaps catch a movie, and then work our way back to Ludington, MI to pick up the SS Badger Car Ferry home.

- Rex out

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