Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Camp Update

     After finishing the second winter camp of the 2009 season I am happy to say that everything is going great in Brigade Land!!  Once again, the attitude and work ethic of the members has been outstanding and the staff and I are very excited about this group!  The sky really is the limit this year - especially with our numbers and talent so strong in ALL sections of the Brigade!  It has been a few years since I have been able to say that and even though it was only the second camp, it kind of felt like we were much later in the season with how much work we got done and how good we already sound!  Can you tell I am just a little bit excited this year??!!  For example - the horn line and battery already got together to begin rehearsing the opener and I can't remember doing this so soon in the season (or having so many things sound so good already!!).

     I would like to thank all of the members for leaving Gifford so spotless - again!  That is very much appreciated by myself and it shows the kind of pride that is already present in this year's edition of the Lighthouse Brigade.  I always enjoy our "Show-And-Tell" at the end of camp and I encourage all parents to come check it out if you can.  They will always take place on Sundays at 5:15.  After the "Show-And-Tell" the members have to begin cleaning all of the rehearsal areas, and this is a great time to chat with other Brigade parents and learn how to get involved with this terrific organization.  

     Members - if your caption heads gave you homework - or things to work on for next camp....well, all I can say is that the Lighthouse Brigade is all about personal responsibility and we simply expect you to work hard at rehearsal AND at home.  I hope everyone enjoyed my first edition of the newsletter and if you have any suggestions or if you would like to see something added to the newsletter - please feel free to contact me.  I really look forward to our next camp in March - it is always a pleasure to see all of you!  If you are on "Facebook" and have not added me as a friend - please do so ASAP so that I can include you for announcements and other communication I have been doing through Facebook.

- Rex out

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