Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Getting back on schedule!!

Hello all,

I have been neglecting my blog for a few weeks, now - sorry about that!

I will post a "Tuesday Spotlight on the Staff" next week and before that I will submit a report on the 9-9 rehearsal this Saturday at Mitchell. Remember - this camp is only for horn line and battery.

9-9 at Mitchell Middle School

We will be marching DRILL!!! Yeah, baby!!


- lunch (Boosters will provide dinner)
- athletic shoes (no bare feet or sandals)
- hat
- sunblock
- instrument
- "dot book" (Matt and the boyz should have explained this at the last camp)
- whatever the weather - we will be marching prepared!!

Make sure the Introduction is memorized to perfection - the goal is to learn all charts for the Introduction (about 12 or so) on Saturday......marching AND playing!!




Anonymous said...

i'm sooooooooooooo excited for drill!!!!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

I'm excited 2, and I'm glad 2 c the blog with new words again.

Anonymous said...

yay drill!