The next staff member to be thrust into the spotlight for my "Know Your Brigade Staff" posts is one of our percussion technicians - Tony Holm. I had the pleasure of having Tony as a band student at Mitchell and it was a true joy to see him go through the Lighthouse Brigade experience for five years as well.
Tony was a part of some of the best drum lines MACBDA has ever seen and it was no surprise to me when he made the snare line with the Madison Scouts - where he marched for the last two years. I am thrilled to have Tony back on staff for this season for what promises to be a very strong year for Brigade - especially the drum line. Now - on to my Q & A with Tony:
Name: Tony Holm
Position: Battery Technician
Number of Years on Staff: 2 full (4 being involved)
Marching Experience: Junior Lighthouse Brigade (3 years), Lighthouse Brigade (5 years), Racine Kilties (1 year) and Madison Scouts (2 years)
College/Major: University of Wisconsin (biology)
Main Instrument: Snare Drum
Home Town: Racine
Birthday: January 24th, 1987
Favorite Food: Italian
Top Five Favorite Movies: No order, and there are a ton more, but this is what comes to mind: Blow, Ghandi, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Boondock Saints, Super Troopers
Favorite TV Shows: South Park, Colbert Report, The Office, Planet Earth
Book You Are Currently Reading: I Am America (And So Can You) by Stephen Colbert
What song is currently playing on your iPod: Definition by Black Star
Favorite Sports Team: Green Bay Packers
Favorite Pig-Out Food: Grapes or chips and salsa (good salsa, though - not that Pace garbage)
Dream Vacation: Travel the world
Worst Habit: Tapping
Hidden Talent You Have: Playing Jurassic Park
Famous Person You Have Met: A bunch of drummers who are famous by drum corps standards - Ralph Hardimon, Scott Johnson, Roger Carter, Casey Brohard and Jeff Queen
Famous Person You Would Like To Meet: Ghandi
Favorite Quote: "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
Favorite Actor: Johnny Depp
Favorite Actress: Megan Fox
Favorite Ride At Disney: Soarin'
Add Your Own Personal Thoughts About The Lighthouse Brigade: The Lighthouse Brigade is an organization that not only educates you musically but it also helps form friendships with people that will last you a lifetime. I have performed with and have been a part of many organizations and can honestly say the best times of my life were spent with my friends during Brigade seasons.
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