The next staff member in the spotlight is Steve Lange - one of our percussion technicians. Steve joined us in 2006, our championship year, and has been a terrific addition to our staff. Steve can pretty much always be counted on to fix any type of drum using only a rubber band, stick of gum, a penny, or a toothpick! Steve is an all around great guy and will also "River Dance" for you if you request it of him! If you are ever having problems in math class - you can also ask Steve for some help! Now on to my Q & A with Steve:
Name: Steve "MacGyver" Lange
Position: Percussion Technician
Number of years on Brigade staff: 4
Marching Band/Drum Corps Experience: 14 performing seasons, 6 teaching seasons
Current Job: Professional Nerd (aka math teacher)
College Degree: Geographical Quantitative Techniques - UW-Whitewater
Main Instrument: Kazoo
Home Town: Atlantis, Lost City of
Birthday: November 31
Favorite Food: Gum
Top Five Favorite Movies: Pulp Fiction, Seven, The Godfather, Anchorman, Wayne's World
Top Five TV Shows: South Park, Family Guy, Simpsons, Ali G Show, Ducktales
Book you are currently reading: The Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson
What song is currently playing on your iPod: Don't own one......on CD - Stephen Lynch "Voices In My Head"
Favorite Sports Team: Manchester United
Favorite Pig-Out Food: Wings
Dream Vacation: Baghdad
Worst Habit: Kicking people in the shins randomly on the street
Hidden Talent: I can drink a half gallon of Gatorade really fast with a sombrero on
Famous person you have met: Vladimir Putin
Famous person you would like to meet: George Murisan
Favorite Quote: "It seemed like a really good idea at the time"
Favorite Actor: Kevin Spacey
Favorite Actress: Jenna Jameson (yes, she was in House of Wax, I think)
Favorite Ride At Disney World: Never been
Add Your Own Personal Thoughts About The Lighthouse Brigade: Where else can a mean spirited individual get power, get paid for yelling, and have people thank him?! Just kidding, I don't have any power! The Lighthouse Brigade is the only teaching job I actually like.