Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Know Your Brigade Staff

     My next installment of "Know Your Brigade Staff" will feature our visual caption head - Brian Braatz.  Brian first became involved in 2004 and has been a fantastic addition to the staff.  Through his efforts we have won many high visual trophies and have become known around MACBDA as a group with very strong marching technique.  Brian got married last year and was unable to be with us in 2008 and I am really happy to have him back on board with us for this season!  I am sure that many of our veteran members will agree with me that Brian at one time had the funniest ring-tone on the planet!  Now, on to my Q & A with Brian:

Name:  Brian Braatz

Position:  Visual Caption Head

Number of Years on Staff:  5

Marching Experience:  Madison Junior Scouts (1 year), Capital Sound (6 years), Madison Scouts (3 years), UW-Whitewater Marching Band (6 years - 2 as drum major)

Current Job:  Accounts Payable Department in the national office of Brookdale Senior Living

College/Degree:  Instrumental Music Education - UW-Whitewater

Main Instrument:  Trumpet

Home Town:  Morristown, WI

Birthday:  May 28th  1982

Favorite Food:  Chipotle Burrito

Top Five Favorite Movies:  Casino Royale, Bourne Trilogy, Ocean's 11 Trilogy

Favorite TV Shows:  King of Queens, nearly everything on HGTV, Man vs. Wild

Book you are currently reading:  "Feeling and Form" by Suzanne Langer

What song is currently playing on your iPod:  "Happy" by Natasha Bedingfield

Favorite Sports Team:  Badgers

Favorite Pig-Out Food:  Cool Ranch Doritos

Dream Vacation:  Greece

Worst Habit:  Not shaving

Hidden Talent You Have:  I love dancing - contemporary, ballet, tap - though my technique is undoubtedly rusty

Famous person you have met:  My great grandfather taught Charles Linbergh how to weld

Famous Person You Would Like To Meet:  Dave Ramsey - radio talk show host on life and money

Favorite Quote:  "Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion." - Martha Graham

Favorite Actor:  Matt Damon

Favorite Actress:  Anne Hatheway

Favorite Ride at Disney:  Splash Mountain

Add you own personal thoughts about the Lighthouse Brigade:  I'm continuing to be impressed by this organization and the students who put so much effort into such a wonderful product.  In many ways I think winter camps and six weeks in summer is more educationally and socially developing than 36 weeks of school.  I'm so glad that there is an administration and a parent group so supportive that this activity can continue, yea even thrive, in a climate that looks left and right for ways to cut costs.  That members, volunteers and staff regularly devote 100% to Brigade is truly praiseworthy.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait till March 21st! See you there for sure(unless I get terminally ill). Bye! :)

Anonymous said...

Guess what Mr. Roo! w/ DOW down we are most likely not going to Europe. So that means that I Problably can do Light House Brigade. So w/ that said i can't wait to hhave a great time!!!