Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday Rookie Tip of the Week

Here is another Thursday rookie tip of the week!  Actually - it can be broken down to three words that can make the life of a rookie a pleasure.  Here they are:


Everything we do on the field is based on music.  I write drill in small segments that are based on musical phrases (usually 16 counts each).  Members who are learning drill by numbers only (first chart - 16 counts, second chart - 16 counts, third chart - 12 counts and halt 4) will not retain the drill as well as those members who learn the show by (1) having their music memorized and (2) learning where they are moving based on what phrase in the music they are playing.

The faster members can get their feet and their music together in their head - the faster they will be able to really perform.  Here are some tips to do at home:

(1)  Bring a blank CD and I will burn you a copy of not only the horn line MIDI recording, but your individual part as well.  This way you can play along with the music and learn it faster.

(2)  Make the time to practice in your busy schedule.  I know we all have a million things going on like home work, jobs, concerts, family, etc. but everyone can find time to practice if they really want to!

(3)  Practice standing up - and hold your instrument correctly!

(4)  March, while playing, around your basement or outside (when it gets warmer) just to get used to playing and moving at the same time.

(5)  Get together with other people in your section and practice the music together.  Hey - make it a fun time - order a pizza, watch a movie and practice!!

(6)  Last - just get it done and get it memorized!!!!!!!  The staff will be asking you to memorize bits and pieces of the show a little at a time.  Stay on schedule!!

Today's marching member "shout-out" goes out to:  Jennifer (rookie front ensemble)

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