Sunday, February 21, 2010

Here we go again!

Welcome to another Lighthouse Brigade season! Check back often to get updates on our off-season camps and inside information on the progress of the show design! "Redemption" is going to be yet another fantastic Brigade production and the staff and I are very excited that rehearsals have finally started!

We are in the middle of camp #1 (for the color guard) and everything is going great! We currently have 14 girls in guard and the talent level is very high. The veterans are already "stepping it up" and our rookies are working very hard to learn how we do things the "Brigade Way". Last week was the first camp for the horn line, battery and front ensemble and everything is pointing to a very strong season! The attitude, behavior, work ethic and talent level is making the staff very fired up about the potential of this year! We all agree that it feels like 2006 again, where everything just seemed to "click"........and that year ended with the first Lighthouse Brigade championship! Successful season are started in the winter, not in June, and so far I think we are right on track!

I am going to try and post something every few days or so. The staff and I are going crazy with ideas and concepts for this show and I will be sharing them on this blog! Until then.....

- Rex out

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