The next staff member in the spotlight is none other than our color guard caption head Todd Neuenschwander. Todd is one of the funniest people I have ever met and also one of the most talented. As amazing as he is with everything color guard - he is just as adept at everything musical. You would think that someone who marched in a drum corps that was world champions both years he was in would have an enormous ego. Not so with Todd. If you ask him about his world championship years or what it's like to have two (TWO!!) DCI world championship rings - the most you will get out of him would be something like, "Yeah - we were pretty good those years".
Todd has brought an extremely high work ethic and desire to always challenge his guard members. The beauty of it is that all of the girls buy into his teaching style 100% and I wonder if Todd understands just how much his positive attitude also rubs off on the other staff members, students, and parents. Now on to my Q & A with Todd:
Name: Todd Neuenschwander
Position: Color Guard Caption Head
Number of Years on Brigade staff: 6
Marching Band/Drum Corps experience: The Cavaliers Drum & Bugle Corps (2001 and 2002)
Current Job: Middle school choir teacher!
College degree: Ball State University, K-12 Music Education (instrumental)
Main instrument: Saxophone
Home Town: Marion, Indiana
Birthday: February 23, 1981
Favorite Food: I love Italian food.
Top Five Favorite Movies: The Godfather, Silence of the Lambs, American Beauty, The Dark Knight, Superman Returns (I need everyone to understand that this was the hardest question on the list)
Favorite TV shows: The Sopranos, Smallville, Rescue Me, Simpsons, Star Trek (pretty much all the different versions)
Book you are currently reading: Wicked
What song is currently playing on your iPod: "I Stand," by Idina Menzel
Favorite sports team: COLTS!!!
Favorite pig-out food: Nachos!
Dream Vacation: DISNEY WORLD!!!!!
Worst Habit: Procrastination...oh...and I spend WAY too much money on DVDs
Hidden talent you have: I am an innovator of belching technique...but I guess I don't hide it too often
Famous person you have met: Ben Folds, Wynton Marsalis, Bela Fleck and the Flecktones
Famous person you would like to meet: John Mayer, Dave Matthews
Favorite Quote: "Stop wasting so much time remembering what everyone else says, and come up with something clever, insightful, and funny on your own." -Me
Favorite Actor: Al Pacino, James Gandolfini
Favorite Actress: Emma Thompson, Meryl Streep
Favorite ride at Disney World: Mission Space
Add your own personal thoughts about the Lighthouse Brigade:
Working with Brigade over the summer is pretty much the highlight of my year. I never laugh so much as when I'm hanging out with our staff. We are probably the most hilarious and brilliant people anyone could ever meet.
Marching Band/Drum Corps experience: The Cavaliers Drum & Bugle Corps (2001 and 2002)
Current Job: Middle school choir teacher!
College degree: Ball State University, K-12 Music Education (instrumental)
Main instrument: Saxophone
Home Town: Marion, Indiana
Birthday: February 23, 1981
Favorite Food: I love Italian food.
Top Five Favorite Movies: The Godfather, Silence of the Lambs, American Beauty, The Dark Knight, Superman Returns (I need everyone to understand that this was the hardest question on the list)
Favorite TV shows: The Sopranos, Smallville, Rescue Me, Simpsons, Star Trek (pretty much all the different versions)
Book you are currently reading: Wicked
What song is currently playing on your iPod: "I Stand," by Idina Menzel
Favorite sports team: COLTS!!!
Favorite pig-out food: Nachos!
Dream Vacation: DISNEY WORLD!!!!!
Worst Habit: Procrastination...oh...and I spend WAY too much money on DVDs
Hidden talent you have: I am an innovator of belching technique...but I guess I don't hide it too often
Famous person you have met: Ben Folds, Wynton Marsalis, Bela Fleck and the Flecktones
Famous person you would like to meet: John Mayer, Dave Matthews
Favorite Quote: "Stop wasting so much time remembering what everyone else says, and come up with something clever, insightful, and funny on your own." -Me
Favorite Actor: Al Pacino, James Gandolfini
Favorite Actress: Emma Thompson, Meryl Streep
Favorite ride at Disney World: Mission Space
Add your own personal thoughts about the Lighthouse Brigade:
Working with Brigade over the summer is pretty much the highlight of my year. I never laugh so much as when I'm hanging out with our staff. We are probably the most hilarious and brilliant people anyone could ever meet.