Friday, October 24th
The Charcoal Grill (8300 Washington Ave. Racine, WI)
6:00pm - 7:30pm - Social for all Brigade members, family, staff, alumni and fans. Ryan Bloom, a former marching member and now manager at The Charcoal Grill is working with me to provide a great place for our reunion. There will be an outstanding array of food for the social - and the price per person is $15.00. Coffee and soda are included in this cost and anything from the bar is on your own.
7:30pm - 9:00pm - First public viewing of the 2008 DVD. If you only wish to come for the DVD viewing - you will need to be at here by 7:30. Food will not be available at this time - but you may still purchase beverages from the bar. After the night is done - you will be able to purchase your very own copy of the DVD for $35.00 each (please make all checks out to: Racine Band Boosters).
If you wish to come to the social - please contact me at:
- Rex out